Experiment 10 High Pass Filter


To design RC high pass filter and study its frequency response

Apparatus Required:

  • Bread Board
  • CRO (Cathode Ray Oscilloscope)
  • Resistance
  • Capacitor
  • Connecting Wires and CRO probes
  • Function Generator


A filter is a circuit that passes a specific range of frequencies while rejecting other frequencies. A passive filter consists of passive circuit element such as capacitor, inductor and resistor. A highpass filter is formed when the output of an RC circuit is taken off the resistor as shown in circuit diagram.

The transfer function is:

H (ω) =VO /VI = R / [R+ (1/jωC)]

H (ω) = jωRC /1+ jωRC

This figure shows the plot of |H (ω)|, along with ideal characteristics.

The half-power frequency, which is equivalent to the corner frequency on the Bode plots but in the context of filters is usually known as the cutoff frequency is obtained by setting the magnitude H (ω) of equal to 1/ (2)1/2  thus,

ωC = 1 / RC

The cutoff frequency is also called rolloff frequency.

A highpass filter is designed to pass all frequencies above its cutoff frequency ωC

Formula Used:

ωC = 1/RC

we know,

ωC = 2πfC

Thus, for calculating the value of cutoff frequency the formula is:

fC = 1/2πRC  

In terms of capacitor when resistor is taken as a constant value:

C = 1/2πRfC

Circuit Diagram:


  1. Set up the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram taking the output on the resistor. The input for the filter is taken from the output of the function generator. The input of the filter is also connected to channel 1 and the output is connected to channel 2 of CRO.
  2. Vary the frequency of the input signal over a wide range. Note the VOUT for each frequency and calculate the corresponding gain.
  3. Plot the values of gain versus frequency graph

Observation Table:

Sr.No. Frequency VIN VOUT VOUT/VIN


A high pass filter for a given cut-off frequency is designed successfully.


  1. Check connections twice.
  2. Make the circuit neat and clean.

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