EXPERIMENT- 4 Anderson’s Bridge

Aim– Measurement of Inductance by Anderson’s Bridge.

Material Required– Anderson Bridge Trainer Kit, Wires

Theory– The Anderson bridge is a bridge circuit used for measuring unknown resistances, especially those with high values. The bridge is balanced when the ratio of the resistances in the adjacent arms is equal.

Circuit Diagram-

Formula used and derivation –


  1. Connect DC Supply with the terminals marked supply, unknown inductance with the terminals marked unknown, and a galvanometer with the terminals marked detector.
  2. Now adjust the decade resistance dial R to find out the balance point in the galvanometer and also use resistance dial S for fine adjustment.
  3. Note the value R.


  1. After DC Balance without disturbing the position of the bridge. Connect the AC Supply 1kHz instead of DC Supply and head phone instead of galvanometer.
  2. Now adjust the resistance dial R to minimize the sound in the head phones..
  3. Note the value of R and calculate the value of unknown inductance by using the given formula.
  4. Repeat the experiment with another value of C.

Observation Table-
Combination 1:-

S.No. L C R(in Ω) r(in Ω) P(in Ω) Q (in Ω)

Repeat for other combinations.


  • Make sure all the connections are tight.
  • To avoid inductive effect short straight wires should be used.

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