Experiment 4 Superposition Theorem


  1. Make the connections as per the diagram.
  2. Set a particular voltage value V1 and V2 & note down the ammeter reading (Figure 1)
  3. Set the same voltage in circuit 1 using V1 alone and short circuit the other terminals, note the ammeter reading. (Figure 2)
  4. Set the same voltage in V2 alone as in circuit 1 and note down the ammeter reading.

 (Figure 3)

  • Verify superposition theorem.

Observation Table:

Current obtained Theoretical values Practical Values
V1, V2 both connected
V1 connected
V2 connected


Thus, the Superposition Theorem is verified.


  1. Voltage control knob should be kept at minimum position
  2. Check if power supply and ammeter are working properly.

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