Experiment 5 Thevenin’s Theorem

  • Remove the load resistor RL or component concerned.
  • Find RTH by shorting all voltage sources or by open circuiting all the current sources.
  • Find VTH by the usual circuit analysis methods.
  • Find the current flowing through the load resistor RL.

Formulas used:

Circuit Diagram:

(Figure 1)

for vth (Figure 2)

For rth (Figure 3)


  1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure-1.
  2. Set the particular voltage value and note down all the readings.
  3. Connect the circuit as in figure-2 to obtain the Thevenin’s voltage. To find the Thevenin source voltage (VTH) remove the load resistor from the original circuit and calculate the voltage across the open connection.
  4. Connect the circuit as in figure-3 to obtain Thevenin’s resistance. To find the Thevenin resistance (RTH) by removing all power sources in the original circuit (voltage sources shorted and current sources open) and calculating total resistance between open connection points.

Observation Table:

                                                            Original circuit                                                Thevenin’s circuit

RL (Ω) VL (V) IL (mA) VL (V) IL (mA)


Thus, the Thevenin’s Theorem is verified.


  1. Keep the circuit neat and clean
  2. Check if power supply and ammeter are working properly.
  3. Avoid short circuit of output terminal

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