Experiment – 6 LVDT

LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer)


To determine the characteristics of LVDT.

Apparatus Required:

  • LVDT kit


LVDT is basically a mutual inductance type of transformer with variable coupling between primary and secondary two coupling coils.

            LVDT (Linear variable differential transformer) are used to measure displacement. It operates on the principle of a transformer; it consists of a coil assembly and a core. The coil assembly is typically mounted to a stationary form while core is secured to the object whose position is being measured. The coil assembly consists of three coils of wire wound on the hollow form. A core of preamble material can slide freely through the centre of the form. The inner coil is the primary, which is excited by an AC source. Magnetic flux produced by the primary is coupled to the two secondary coils, including an AC voltage in each coil.


  • Connect the multimeter to the output of the kit.
  • Set the range to a maximum value of 10 mm.
  • Move the screw gauge from zero to maximum of 10 mm
  • Note the corresponding voltage values in the multimeter
  • Plot the graph between the voltage and displacement in graph paper.


Displacement in Screw Gauge Display Reading  


LVDT was studied and graph of displacement was linear for a particular range.


  • The values on the multimeter should be carefully noted.
  • The core should be set to a maximum value of 10 mm.
  • To get a good performance from the kit maintain the room temperature.

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