Experiment 6 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem


Verification of Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

Components and Equipment Required:
Beadboard, multimeter, connecting wires, DC power supply, resistor, resistance box


According to Maximum Power Transfer Theorem, a linear two terminal network consisting of a voltage source and resistance will transfer maximum power into a load connected between its two terminal when the load resistance is equal to the Thevenin’s resistance Rth of the network, that is when RL =Rth.

Formula used:

Circuit Diagram:


  1. Make circuit on breadboard with a resistance box as RL. Connect digital multimeter cross RL to measure the load Voltage VL.
  2. Take out voltage of resistance from RL and measure the load voltage VL across it.
  3. Measure and note down the load voltage VL by choosing RL at regular interval
  4. Calculate power PL for each values of RL.
  5. Plot PL as function of RL

Observation Table:

RL (Ω) VL (V) PL (Watt) PL (mWatt)


The output power PL is maximum for RL=Rth.Hence, the Maximum Power Transfer Theorem is verified.


  1. The output voltage of the power supply should remain constant during the experiment.
  2. The internal resistance of the power supply, if any, is neglected.
  3. The power supply should be switched off while making or breaking the circuit

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