Introduction to 8085-Microprocessor

Memory Instruction Hex pneumonic
2000 MVI, A  
2001 09 09
2002 MVI B  
2003 11 11
2004 ADD B  
  1. Immediate addressing: Operand is part of the instruction.
  2. Register addressing: Operand is stored in a register or register pair
  3. Direct addressing: Operand is stored in the memory and the memory address is specified with the instruction
  4. Indirect addressing: The memory address of the operand is stored in a register pair
  5. Implied: operand is not specified, yet it is implied
  1. Instruction Fetch: During this phase, the microprocessor fetches the MVI B instruction from memory. This involves sending out the address of the instruction to the memory and receiving the opcode for MVI B.
  2. Memory Read: In this phase, the microprocessor reads the data byte (the immediate data) from the memory location immediately following the opcode of the MVI B instruction.
  3. Instruction Execution: During this phase, the microprocessor executes the MVI B instruction by loading the immediate data into the B register. This phase involves transferring the data from the memory buffer to the B register

                            Opcode fetch                      Memory read

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