Solar Cell

Apparatus Required:

  1. Solar cell
  2. Bread board
  3. Light source
  4. Ammeter (0-5mA)
  5. Voltmeter (0-5V)
  6. Connecting Wires


The product of open circuit voltage VOC an short circuit current ISC is known as ideal power.

Ideal Graph:


  • Place the solar cell and the light source opposite to each other on a wooden plank.
  • Select the voltmeter range, ammeter range and a resistance box.
  • Switch on the lamp to escape the light on solar cell.
  • Set the distance between solar cell and the lamp.
  • Vary the load resistance and intensity and note the current –voltage readings.
  • Plot the graph between output voltages versus output current.


Load Resistance (RL)   Φ =   Φ =   Φ =   Φ =
  VP(V) IP(mA) VP(V) IP(mA) VP(V) IP(mA) VP(V) IP(mA)
Φ Φ = Φ = Φ = Φ =

Short Circuit

Φ Φ = Φ = Φ = Φ =


  1. The solar cell should be exposed to sun light before using it in the experiment.
  2. Light from the lamp should fall normally on the solar cell.

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